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Wingman Cup 29/30.06.2024 r.

Wingman Cup 29-30 czerwca 2024

About us

GGDAB is active in the video game industry, and a machine that has a current and profitable eports organization that will organize class-class tournaments and duels for amateurs as well as professionals around the world.

Our goal is to build a world-class online esports gaming platform that can compete and win against leading esports organizations. A platform enabling the organization of competitions and tournaments with attractive cash prizes for amateur players and professional players, so that they can compete with each other and develop their skills.

We design our own games and use existing titles from other developers. We focus our attention on ensuring that each game available on the platform does not have random elements. The result of a duel or tournament depends only on logical thinking, reflexes and the ability to control the pad, telephone or keyboard and mouse. Thanks to this, we are dealing with fair competition.

INVEST CUFFS KRAKÓW 2023 – Fotorelacja


Szymon Gaczek

Szymon Gaczek

Chief Executive Officer

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The main initiator and driving force of the project in one. In 2019, he came up with the idea of ​​creating an innovative project which is Day of Duel.
For years I have been creating sales strategies and structures
the award of the best employee of Human Credito Consulting Sp. z o.o. Was
also awarded with the Best Employee for Southern Poland award by Dominet Bank. Former Commercial Director of KAZ S.C. He introduced new products to the market, incl. Browar na Krosno or BOOZE, where he held the position of sales director. He was the Vice-President of the Leśnik Kobiór club, which at that time was promoted to a higher league. Former athlete with many honors and titles in Poland. Four-time winner of the Pro-Surf tennis competition in Katowice.
He trained karate, fencing and playing football.
He has high negotiation and sales skills to attract business partners from various industries, as well as professional ones
players in Poland so that the company can compete in e-sport and on the computer and mobile games market.
In 2012, he organized the Silesian Fan Zone at WPKiW.   A graduate of WSZOP at the internal security and migration department.
He attended GWSH in Marketing and Business Management.
He also graduated from the University of Physical Education in the field of management, marketing, gastronomy and hotel management.

Mariusz Kaletka

Mariusz Kaletka

Managing Director

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Manager with experience exceeding a typical managerial position. In his career, he supervised IT projects, the budget of which often exceeded PLN 1 million. He successfully implemented programming projects for banks (PKO BP) and insurance companies (TU UNIQA). He took part in initiatives financed from crowdfunding platforms and shares his knowledge with great commitment in the implementation of this project.

Łukasz Batog

Łukasz Batog

Managing Vice-President

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An investor with many years of experience and great successes in managing large-scale enterprises in Poland and abroad.

His contribution to the implementation of the Day of Duel project is not only the money paid to create the demo version, but also countless contacts from various industries, so important in the management of this project.

Strategic Investors

Arkadiusz Milik

Arkadiusz Milik

Athlete, football player

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Piłkarz Juventusu, reprezentant Polski w piłce nożnej, uczestnik Mistrzostw Świata oraz Europy.
Od kilku lat również biznesmen. Aktywnie Inwestuje w start-upy oraz na rynku nieruchomości. Właściciel restauracji Food & Ball w Katowicach. Inwestor strategiczny GG DAB Polska S.A.

Patryk "Rojo" Rojewski

Patryk "Rojo" Rojewski

Influencer, YouTuber, Gamer

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Influencer, YouTuber z ogromnym doświadczeniem i pasją do grania w gry komputerowe. Prowadzi sklep internetowy, angażuje się w działania charytatywne oraz inwestuje w poważne projekty gamingowe. Ludolog i wielbiciel szeroko pojętej sztuki oraz człowiek o wyjątkowym poczuciu humoru. Na przestrzeni lat udało mu się zbudować ponad 2-milionową społeczność we wszystkich swoich kanałach. Jako gamer współpracuje z największymi firmami z branży.

Adam “Prescot” Miśta

Adam “Prescot” Miśta

Twarz projektu

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Jest aktualnym Mistrzem Świata w kategorii broni Battlefield 3 (tytuł zdobyty w 2017 roku i do dzisiaj nie pobity). Jest też ambasadorem wielu marek (California Access, Magniflex, Komputronik).

Alicja Pyszka - Bazan

Alicja Pyszka - Bazan

Inwestor, influencer, sportowiec

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Jest mistrzynią Polski w Bikini Fitness a także zdobywczynią Pucharu Polski w kategorii Fit Model. Dwukrotna reprezentantka Polski na Mistrzostwach Europy oraz na Mistrzostwach Świata.


Bartosz Sowa

Bartosz Sowa

Chief Technology Officer

Przemysław Trybała

Przemysław Trybała

New Business Manager

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Innowacyjne myślenie to jego specjalność. Miłośnik nowoczesnych rozwiązań programistycznych. Posiada doświadczenie w tworzeniu serwisów internetowych oraz wydawaniu ich na rynek,
a także doświadczenie w zespołem.

Ma na swoim koncie doświadczenie związane z e-commerce i marketingiem.

Sandra Woźniak

Sandra Woźniak

Digital Art Director

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She joined the GGDAB team in 2020. He creates the GGDAB product in terms of UX and UI. She attended GWSP in Katowice, majoring in Game Design and Interactive Graphics. He has a phototechnical diploma. She taught graphic design at Żak sp. Z o. O.

Artystyczna dusza, mająca za sobą wiele wernisaży oraz warsztatów prowadzonych z zakresu fotografii, kreacji wizualnych oraz wystaw graficzno – fotograficznych.


Michał Batog

Michał Batog

Marketing Director

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An entrepreneur specializing in creating strategyand business development. Supervises owned marketing campaigns by himself. brands polish and foreign.

Maciej Grzybek

Maciej Grzybek

International Tax Advisor

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Trener biznesu, specjalista ds. międzynarodowego planowania podatkowego, doświadczony menedżer. Znajduje skuteczne rozwiązania na problemy związane z prowadzeniem działalności.

A graduate of the Brainstrom Trainers School and the University of Economics in Krakow.

 Specialist for international tax planning / International Tax Advisor.
He sits on the managing boards of many companies in Poland and abroad. Finds effective solutions to problems related to running a business. He advises leading developers, cryptocurrency exchanges as well as trading companies, including the sale of diamonds.

Managing Director at ITP GROUP Premium Services Ltd.
He develops his business activities on the markets of Great Britain, Estonia, Malta, the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Cyprus and many others.

Kuba Nagórski

Kuba Nagórski

Public Relations Adivistor

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At co.brick. he is responsible for creating an accelerator and building a local startup ecosystem. A mentor who has been supporting startups at various stages of development for years.

Co-founder and CEO in the group. Co-founder and member of the Supervisory Board at Abyss Glass, a start-up developing the smart mirrors technology. Co-owner of a creative agency. He was a member of the Consultative Council as part of Katowice's bid for the title of European Youth Capital 2015, advising in the area of ​​marketing activities targeted at young people.

Since 2013, the coordinator and initiator of Social Media Thursdays in Katowice.
He received the title of Graduate with Passion from the University of Silesia. Nominated by the portal for the title of Katowice citizen of the year. Three times nominated for the prestigious award of the marketing and PR industry - Protony. Laureate of the Golden Laurel of Skills and Competences awarded for supporting the development of entrepreneurship by the Chamber of Commerce.

Marcin Ciepiel

Marcin Ciepiel

Game Developer

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Autor książki o cyberbezpieczeństwie „Jestem Tobą”.
The creator of new AR technological solutions and a long-term developer of mobile and computer games for clients from all over the world.
The owner of the Gier Sample Text developer company.
He graduated from BEng Computer Science Engineering at Cambridge at the Anglia Ruskin University with the CyberSecurity project. He is the inventor and creator of a proprietary data encryption algorithm.
His hobby is the creation of Augmented Reality.
Creator of the AR voice assistant expressing emotions.
He also created a character control project with hands in Cyberpunk (AR glasses).

Robert Mucha

Robert Mucha

Front-end Developer

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He co-created many projects in the field of web design and website implementation. He cooperated with local and international companies. Guitarist, musician, hobbyist interested in photography. Privately, a father of two daughters. An avid gamer in his spare time.

Marcin Januszewski

Marcin Januszewski

Team leader, Backend developer, wsparcie technologiczne

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Tworzy autorski i bezpieczny system portfeli oraz transakcji w serwisie, aby zachować najwyższą jakość produktu w każdym miejscu platformy. Opracowuje rozwiązania, plan realizacji i nadzoruje przebieg prac poprzez pozostawanie w ciągłym kontakcie z każdym deweloperem.

Doświadczenie: Kubernetes, Terraform, .NET, .NET Core, C#, Node.js, React.js

Dorota Nowak-Wiltosz

Dorota Nowak-Wiltosz

Frontend developer

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Zastępuje moduły wymagające aktualizacji, nowymi, lepszymi rozwiązaniami.

Frontend developer korzystająca i rozwijająca się w najnowszych technologiach. Wolny czas poświęca doskonaleniu swoich umiejętności siatkarskich. Na co dzień pracuje w React, TypeScript, Redux, HTML i CSS.

I wielu innych

I wielu innych

Zjednoczonych we wspólnym celu!

Cooperating partners

Tomasz Kozieł

Tomasz Kozieł

Member of the Supervisory Board of GGDAB POLSKA S.A.

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He gained practical experience in the largest law firm in Silesia - ADP Popiołek Adwokaci i Doradcy in Katowice. During many years of professional work, he has provided legal support to natural persons and entrepreneurs from various industries. Participation in multi-day negotiations between entrepreneurs allowed him to develop analytical and interpersonal skills, as well as project management.

In addition to ongoing advice for entrepreneurs, for several years he has specialized in advising on the protection of personal data, conducting numerous trainings and adjusting the activities of entrepreneurs to the provisions of the general regulation, the so-called GDPR.

Bartosz Pluta

Bartosz Pluta

Legal Consulting

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Project manager in a gaming company with many years of experience.
Concept help in the early stages of a project.


Our vision is to build a world-class gaming platform online esports that can compete favorably with leading esports organizations around the world.

Our mission is to create a platform that allows the organization of competitions and tournaments with attractive cash prizes for amateur players and esports teams as well as professional players, so that they can compete with each other and develop their skills.

We want to be a leader in preparing esports teams from around the world, yes so that every player can prepare for the games at the Olympics in the near future.


Real-Time Multiplayer Game Developer Specialist

Real-Time Multiplayer Game Developer SpecialistSALARY brackets6 000 - 16 000 PLNDescriptionDay of Duel is an upcoming e-sport web service for gamers from all over the world. With its fair matchmaking system, users can compete with each other for real money, playing...

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Do you have any questions? Are you interested in cooperation? You want to know more
about our project? Write to us - we will answer every message.


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